When you declare that you will write your own wedding vows, it’s definite that you will be showered with information, suggestions, advices, and do’s and don’ts, from your family and friends, and books, wedding magazines and internet alike, enough to make you feel dizzy. But the best thing to keep to yourself is you can write your marriage vows just as you want! After all it’s your wedding vows and should show who you are, what you feel about your partner and your relationship.
Ideally, your marriage vows should talk about your past, present and future. It’s a unique chance to make promises and resolutions about one of the most important bonds in your life.
Here are some tips.
1. Talk to Your Officiant
You will need to take clearance from your officiant for writing your own marriage vows. You will have to thus make sure about if it is acceptable.
2. Contemplate on Your Love
Take time to contemplate on your love, alone as well as with your future partner. Think about what you like about each other and what is special about your relationship. By contemplating in this way, you will be amazed to find how many things you want to say about your love towards your partner. The haphazard ideas will get a definite direction and take the beautiful form of wedding vows.
3. Discuss it on a Date
Your discussion on wedding vows can become a wonderful date! Go on a date to your favorite place, a hotel, a beach or a mountain, remember things together – the happy and sad ones, how you came together during the hardest times and also shared some of the happiest moments. It’s not a bad idea to note down the moments you remembered and you can put in your marriage vows.
4. What Made You Fall in Love with Your Partner?
This is the essence of your relationship because it is something that started the relationship. Express it in your wedding vows and show why you love your partner so much and why you are so grateful for her/him about that.
5. Promises You Want to Make
Finally, write down the promises you want to make towards your partner and your lifetime relationship. Think upon what your partner loves the most about you and what s/he expects from you and base your promises accordingly. Promise to fulfill all her/his expectations from you about love, understanding, togetherness in happy and sad moments and more.
If you let your imagination go wild, there is so much you can express in your wedding vows about your partner and your marriage. Create wonderful wedding vows by structuring the most natural and beautiful thoughts!
Visit MyWeddingVows.com to get more fabulous wedding vows ideas!