When you’re looking forward to buying the engagement ring for the love of your life so as to impress her with your true love and commitment, you might consider two options. You can either buy the ring from a jeweler or from a pawn shop.
Although it’s a common belief that a jewelry shop is the right place to buy an engagement ring and a pawn shop may not be so right, the fact is that pawn shops are a great place to find quality engagement rings for less cash. For example, Hilltop Pawn Shop is not only a pawn shop but one of the largest Virginia Beach jewelry store. When it comes to finding antique and vintage engagement rings they are the only place to find them. Their motto is “Same Jewelry Half the Price”.
Different people get good as well as bad experiences during their diamond shopping at pawn shops. Some save money, while some others regret their decision. In fact, pawn shops can be right for shopping your engagement ring diamond, provided you have to be careful enough. Here are a few steps you should take so that you’ll get what you desire without any problem.
1. Decide 4 Factors Ahead of Time
The four factors are size, shape, color and clarity of the diamond, and you should study these before shopping so as to decide what exactly you need. Deciding these factors will not only help you quickly narrow down the available options but also help you compare notes on rings that match your criteria in case if you’ll be shopping at many different pawn shops.

2. Equip Yourself with Knowledge
Take help of the internet to find prices of diamonds of the size you want. This way you can have information if a diamond you’re thinking of is better than average cost.
3. Learn the Proper Way to Use a Loupe
Since you should go prepared for shopping, it’s a good idea to take your own loupe with you while visiting pawn shops for your shopping of diamond. It has an additional advantage of making you appear more seasoned, because of which the broker may get deterred from taking your undue advantage.
While checking the diamond through the loupe, look for inclusions. You’re not looking for a perfectly clear diamond. So, it’s fine if there are a few inclusions that cannot be seen to the naked eye. More inclusions typically refer to less sparkle. For a ring that will be worn daily, sparkle and clarity are pretty important. In case of too many inclusions, just walk away.

4. Bring Someone who Knows about Diamonds
It may be your friend or colleague, s/he should have some knowledge about diamonds, so that you can have an assurance that you will get your hands on the right stuff. This too has the advantage of making the broker realize that s/he’s dealing with someone more seasoned.

5. Look through Dusty Showcases
The longer the ring has been sitting in the showcase, the higher are the chances that its price isn’t reflecting the recent multiplying of gold costs. Diamond costs too are going up, hence older price tags are good for you.
Not from the vintage engagement rings but from their price tags, you can tell how long the rings have been lying in the showcase. Faded ink is a good sign that the ring has been sitting there for a few years. The longer this period, the deeper will be the rebate you’ll probably be receiving.

6. Bring Someone Wearing a Larger Diamond
The benefit of taking someone wearing a larger diamond having a nice color is that you can make a good comparison of diamond color and clarity. Check both the diamonds in the same light.
7. Get a Written Statement
Once you decide that you’ll buy a certain diamond, get a written statement from the seller which should say that the gemstone they are selling to you is a genuine, natural and untreated diamond. This is important with the recent progress in diamond stimulants and treatments such as laser drilled diamonds, fracture filled diamonds and clear but imitation gems.
This will save you from the following problems:
- The gemstone could a Moissanite. This stone looks like a diamond and is nearly as hard as a diamond; however, it’s not a diamond. It’s developed in a lab.
- The gemstone could be a clarity enhanced diamond. This means that it’s treated with a high pressure, high heat treatment that improves clarity.
- The gemstone could be a fracture-filled diamond (noticeable fracture inclusions are filled with transparent material to improve clarity)
- The gemstone could a Cubic Zerconia. CZ is made in a lab for a few dollars. It definitely won’t last like a diamond or a moissanite.
By getting a written guarantee of the kind of stone you’re buying, you can make yourself and your purchase safe. If at some point, if you get the diamond appraised by an appraiser and it happens to be not what’s written in the guarantee, you can take legal action against the seller.

8. Bring Your Own Appraiser
Don’t use the appraiser recommended by the pawn shop seller, but bring your own certified appraiser. There are chances that unethical practices going on between sellers and appraisers. You don’t have to tell them the appraiser’s name, but you can tell them that you’ll see an appraiser. Thus, if there is something they are anxious with about the diamond, such as a treatment they haven’t told about, they would have to mention it at this point.
9. Don’t Overlook Ugly Rings with Nice Diamonds
Usually couples going to pawn shops decide to go for either a very simple ring or the one with lovely old filigree details. But they shouldn’t also overlook the ugly-looking rings because they might have great diamonds on them. You can take such a diamond out, clean it and custom design a beautiful ring for it. Thus you can save money on engagement rings which actually have a great value.

So, take the due precautions and you can look forward to having a great engagement and wedding. All the best to you!