If you search for tips for looking great on wedding day for a bride, you will find pages after pages in the search engines with results full of bride’s grooming tips; but no one is much concerned about the looks of grooms! So, we felt bad for the species called grooms and decided to write something to improve their looks. After all, a well-groomed bride will want her better half to match her looks 😀 Here in this article, we’ll discuss about how to shave properly so as to create a killer effect.
Choose the Right Shaving Kit
A perfect shaving kit should contain:
- A high quality shaving cream or soap
- A high quality shaving brush to apply cream or soap (brushes made from badger hair are supposed to be the best and are indeed an excellent investment)
- A high quality multi-blade razor
Here I would like to recommend the high quality shaving kit available on guyslikeit.com. This kit contains a silvertip badger brush which offers unmatched luxury with its aesthetic design and superb performance. The brush, having natural badger bristles and best water retaining properties, creates a rich lather and is extremely soft on skin. The kit also contains a safety razor which is chrome-plated and ensures close yet comfortable shave. One of the best features of the kit is the shimmering metal stand to keep your kit neat and organized in your bathroom. This kit also makes excellent groomsmen’s gift.
Know Your Beard
Let your beard grow for a couple of days and then observe it keenly in the mirror. You have to note the direction in which you hair grows, whether it is sideward from your neck, downwards from your face or even upwards on the Adam’s apple spot or close to your ears. For getting a perfect shave, understanding your beard’s growing pattern is very important.
If you are going to start a new regime (to be ready for your big day), your skin will at least take a week to get adjusted to it. So, start practicing the new techniques for a perfect shave much in advance of your big day and keep practicing.
Choose Hot Shower
A hot shower will soften your skin and beard and will open skin pores. If you have no time for a shower, at least splash hot water on your face.
Shaving Cream
Before applying the shaving cream, wet your brush and dip in the cream (or soap) and then rub it on your skin to work rich lather. If the cream (or soap) is of high quality, only a little of it will make a lot of lather. The motion of brush should be circular which will help your hair stand up. The last stroke needs to be against the growth direction (which you have studied earlier). This should be done to make the hair stand and leave them in that position with the shaving cream.
Actual Shaving
While actual shaving, your strokes should be short and in the growth direction. Some men shave “against the grain” to achieve a closer shave. However this irritates the skin, so, best is to do it in the hair growth direction.
Keep washing the blade often. If your razor is sharp enough, you need not push down hard. You should replace a razor blade cartridge maximum after a week.
It’s alright to shave the same area repeatedly several times if you need; but remember to rinse the blade frequently.
Wash and Dry
While washing your face, do it with cold water so as to help skin pores close. Pat dry the skin (but don’t rub) with a towel. Then apply a moisturizer if necessary.
Congratulations! You have learned to shave properly and now you will definitely look well-groomed on your big day.