Wedding Guest Books to Remember Forever

Posted by on Jul 22, 2012 in Managing Wedding, Wedding tips |

Your wedding is the most precious moment in your life! And you want to treasure everything related to your special day, but generally one of the most important things is forgotten and it is the wedding guest book. The sentiments of your guests are captured by the wedding guest book and so it is of course a special thing you must remember while arranging the wedding. And if you use a custom wedding guest book, your guests will be pleased to write their feelings in it.

Photo frame of your most memorable wedding photo

You can use a lot of ideas to create your own wedding guest book like a photo frame in which you will flaunt your most memorable wedding moment. Every couple has at least one such photo which they like to keep separately framed. You can use such a frame as for your near and dear ones to sign on it. For other guests, you can use frames of your other wedding photos.

Sign quilts

Yet another nice idea is to keep a table ready with pre-cut squares of quilt to be signed by the guests. You can keep permanent markers for signing. After the wedding, you can get all the quilts professionally sewn which will be your cherished belonging, e.g. it will keep your hands or feet warm on cold winter nights.

Platter as a guest book

You can also use a ceramic platter specially made for the occasion of your special day to serve as a guest book.  Platter is used for making different types of show-pieces. You can make it a remarkable guest book which your guests will remember forever.


Customize the wedding guest book with all your personal things related to wedding, like names and nicknames of both of you, where you first met, your wedding photos, invitations, date, venue, songs, honeymoon destination, and your favorite things, like books, movies, restaurants etc.

You can use your creativity to get innumerable ideas to adorn your wedding guest book. Using it, create the memoir which will be remembered by your guests forever.