6 Major Benefits of Using Wood Flowers for Your Wedding

Posted by on Jan 8, 2020 in Managing Wedding, Wedding tips |

Wood flowers

It’s true that a wedding without flowers seems to be a little less gorgeous although there is every other type of decoration involved. But some brides also find it unfair to pluck the tiny beauties from their green homes and enhance the looks of their wedding for a single day only to destroy the nature’s beauty. This thought is indeed appreciable; but is there any solution for this? Yes, there is – it’s wooden flowers!

Wood flowers look exactly like real flowers and so, is a perfect decoration for your big day. Here are a few major benefits of wood flowers for your wedding.

1. Eco-friendly

The first and main benefit of wooden flowers as mentioned earlier is that they eliminate the guilt of displacing real flowers from their natural homes just to decorate the event for a day. This also means that you’re maintaining the balance of nature as it is, without disturbing it in any way. If you think that they are made from wood which is a nature’s component, rest assured that this wood is obtained from a renewable source which grows very quickly.

2. Diversity

With wood flowers, you don’t have to compromise the flowers you want for your wedding. If you want roses, they are available, and if you want peonies, they are available year-round too. So, you get a diversity of flowers in your wedding, and they look like real flowers!

Diversity of Wood flowers

3. Customization

You’ve chosen blue as your wedding theme, but all real flowers cannot be blue. Hey, wood flowers can be! Wood flowers offer great customization. You can have them in whichever color, whichever form and whichever looks you want.

4. No Risk of Allergies

While using real flowers, there is always a risk of allergies which is eliminated when you use wood flowers. You don’t want some of your guests or even your partner to become uneasy with the flower or pollen allergies, and your big day to be spoiled. With wood flowers, you and your guests can stay relaxed.

No Risk of Allergies with Wood flowers

5. Use Them Forever

Real flowers wilt in a day or in a few days, no matter how much you try to maintain their beauty. This is not the case with wood flowers. They remain beautiful forever and you can use them to decorate your home or office, even after your big day.

6. Real Value for Money

Looking at the cost, time and efforts of preserving real flowers, wood flowers have certainly an upper hand. Plus, as mentioned earlier, they can be used to decorate your home or office even after your wedding. In short, they offer the best value for money.

So, have you started looking for wood flowers for your wedding?