The wedding reception is a party organized on the wedding day after the completion of a wedding ceremony. It is called “reception” because the loving couple receives the society (friends and family) for the first time after getting married. The married couple are the hosts and they provide food, drink and very popular wedding cake. In most cultures and societies it is usual to entertain the wedding guests during the wedding reception, and the party can last from an hour to many hours and even days. For example, the wedding receptions in Chicago, IL can differ drastically from the wedding receptions in Belgrade, Serbia.
The wedding food served at the reception is determined by the local custom and the time of the wedding, it can range from a single drink and the piece of the wedding cake to multi-course dinners. The married couple chooses the type of the food. If the culture or religion of the couple prohibits alcohol or dancing, it is likely that the guest are given non-alcoholic drinks and wedding cookies. The wedding cake is commonly served and it is usually multi-tiered layer cake very beautifully decorated with white frosting. Ceremonially, the married couple cut the first piece of the wedding cake, they feed a bite to each other and sip a glass of wine with linked arms.
The first dance is very common at the wedding receptions. The newly married couple opens the dancing after the marriage ceremony is completed. The waltz was very popular for very long period, but nowadays many other dance styles are used. Most contemporary Western married couples choose some romantic song and a formal dance style, but there are some couples that select some humorous choreographed dances.
The traditional wedding receptions vary between different countries, and even between different regions of the same country. The most important is that married couple and the guests enjoy it and celebrate this very special day.