How would you feel if your wedding is around the corner and you find a lovely piece of jewelry in the jar of your skincare product? I know it’s amazing to get jewelry hidden in a product which makes your skin smooth and fragrant. This is indeed a wonderful idea and has been worked out by It’s particularly great for brides-to-be whose wedding is approaching. But what is all this about? Let’s see.
What is the Idea of Jewelry in Every Jar?
Gemnora is a beauty and skin care company whose products mainly contain lotions and scrubs. Each jar of lotion and scrub contains a pleasant surprise for you – a piece of jewelry! The cost of jewelry may be from $10 to even $7500! You will find the piece of jewelry neatly packed and sealed inside the jar. It has a tag on it containing a 6-digit code. By entering this code on Gemnora’s website, you can find the price of your piece of jewelry.
Why is it Good for Brides?
Brides need both – smooth and beautiful skin, as well as jewelry. Gemnora gives them both. Gemnora has an impressive line of products containing ultra-nourishing moisturizers, Dead Sea salt scrubs and many more. Their nourishing creams are rich, creamy, non-greasy and fast absorbing, and are packed with vitamins, minerals, goat milk and essential oils, and mind-blowing array of fragrances like jasmine, sandalwood, rose, peppermint, coconut, lime, grapefruit, vanilla and lavender chamomile. These products provide the luxurious nourishment you want for looking awesome on your big day, and what’s more, it contains a beautiful piece of jewelry for you to flaunt on the day!
About Gemnora
Gemnora is a one-of-a-kind innovative company of beauty products which offer a fabulous gift on the purchase of each of their products. This is a US-based direct sales business providing their customers as well as advisors with high quality products and opportunities to earn more money.
So, if your big day is around the corner, don’t forget to buy a Gemnora skincare product and who knows, you will find your fortune hidden inside, which will add double glow to your skin – one with the product and the other with the fantastic jewelry!