How to Propose to Him

Posted by on Apr 26, 2014 in Misc Wedding Articles |

female proposalsAll signs are there: he’s gone from spender to saver, his apartment became cleaner, his Friday nights with the guys have turned into date night with you. Maybe your boyfriend has grew out of his bachelor ways, but still you haven’t heard four words you long to hear. “Will you marry me?” hasn’t been popped off yet. Well, lady, we live in the 21st century, so what about doing it yourself? Don’t wait around any longer for your Mr. Slowpoke! Here’s several tips on how to propose to your man!

Are you ready for the big change? It’s important to be sure it’s time to make your relationship official. In case you are still a little bit uncertain, it’s better to concentrate on making your relationship stronger. However, if you two love birds are a marriage-ready couple, go ahead!

Think about your motives. Sometimes people propose only to see where their relationship stands. A proposal out of desperation for emotional feedback is out of the question. If you are not positive your beloved one would say yes, you are probably not ready to tie the knot.

Know your enemy, oops, your boyfriend! Keep in mind that you should focus on planning his dream proposal, not yours. If he’s an old-fashioned guy or simply doesn’t like surprises, don’t broadcast your proposal across a blimp.

Think about his ego. If you steal his thunder, he might be a little disappointed, even though you are a brave girl who knows what she wants. If it happens to be the case, it’s suggested to remind him that he can still ask you back once he’s ready (and buys a ring!). Talking about the ring, well, you shouldn’t expect him to go out and purchase an engagement ring afterwards. Also, even if you are the first to pledge into your future together, you shouldn’t give him a ring, unless you bought one for yourself, too. Instead of that, consider purchasing matching necklace pendants, for example. A gift for both of you doesn’t have to be costly, but meaningful.

Keep your shared history in mind when planning a proposal. It’s important to make him feel understood and cherished, therefore take your time to make it personal and special. For example, choose a significant location (where you met), a meaningful day etc. However, try to keep your proposal simple, since the point is not to get (him) distracted by too many details, but to enjoy the moment.

Finally, all these things considered: how, where, when are less important than who. Be sure he’s the one you want to hug and kiss for the rest of your lives!