You meet a woman, you feel attracted to her and all those little ticks and peculiarities that have made her unique for you.
At the beginning, everything is beautiful, simple and as if you see things through pink glasses.
But after a while you find yourself in daily life. You prefer to sit at home and watch sports with your friends rather than seeing your girlfriend. The noise she makes while eating becomes less and less sweet and it starts to annoy you. Time goes by and you find yourself at a point, where you or she wants a break-up.
This is the process 9 out of 10 relationships go through and the point where most of them fail. And if you are trying to do the math now and wonder how many break up because one partner cheated on the other, then rest assured that this fraud happens as a result of this.
What is it that turns these relationships into a sure failure, and more importantly what can you do not to become a victim yourself?
When you compare these two situations, the beginning where everything is all new and interesting with the end, where both partners are bored and annoyed by the other, there is one thing that makes the difference.
The appeal.
Over time in most relationships the appeal dies, and the partners feel less attracted to each other. Instead of working on getting the appeal back they look for reasons why things have come so far and if they are maybe not the right match. Mostly one partner is more self-confident than the other, and acts. He ends it and the other has to accept it.
But this search for reasons is in vain and far from decisive.
No matter what a great match you are, if the appeal is gone, you will always want to look for a new partner. And it’s not the lack of common interests that killed the appeal nor your smart mind that comes up with fancy reasons.
It’s a whole different thing.
And it all comes down to a wrong a picture most people have about relationships.
You are not two people that are now one.
You are not a community that lives together.
You are two individuals, and you always must attract your partner – no matter what!
Attraction is like a fire that can go off, but if you constantly blow it softly, it will always spark.
If you go through a relationship where you feel the appeal is gone, don’t hesitate any further and act now to spark the attraction.
Go to and learn bullet-proof methods what you can do right now to make your partner feel the attraction to you.