Once you get engaged, it seems like many people pop up offering you some kind of help. Just because your sister-in-law is an amateur photographer with an expensive camera, it doesn’t mean she’ll manage to make a wedding photo album of your dream. The chances are, you’ll end up with few nice looking photos, but the rest of your wedding images won’t be as you imagined. This is exactly what I would like to talk about today – the importance of hiring a professional wedding photographer opposed to leaving it to your talented, but inexperienced guests. In fact, there are some things I would let my friends do for me on my big day, but photography is too important part of the wedding to leave it to an amateur. I’ve talked to successful Preston wedding photography professionals why they think hiring a professional photographer is the right decision, and here’s what they shared with me!
It’s important to understand that good photography is way more than a high quality camera. Professional photographers spend literally thousands of hours training to be good at their job. You have to photograph many weddings in order to be able to get the shot predictably each time. Training teaches you to compose the shot nicely and then execute it with precision and skill. It’s not about the fancy camera, but a photographer! Amateurs usually shoot in automatic, rather than in manual, allowing the camera’s sensors to make the decisions for them. A professional photographer shoots in manual telling the camera what it should be doing. So, if you want that stunning image of you and your beloved one nicely backlit by a red sunset, you’ll only get it if you hire a pro. Camera is simply unable to read that light correctly.
A professional wedding photographer has experience in shooting such events full of love, joy and stress. They know just where to look and when, because they know how wedding days flow. That moment when father of a bride is looking at his daughter with a tear in his eye is something only an experienced wedding photographer can catch. Of course, an amateur photographer can get lucky, but a pro always catches those precious moments!
Lighting is an important factor when taking a photo and that’s something everyone knows. On a wedding day, tricky lighting is a must. You’ll probably have both cave dark ceremony rooms and bright sunlight outdoors. A pro won’t be flapped by this complicated lighting. On the contrary, an experienced photographer can walk into any room and realize where he or she should stand taking best light into account.
As I’ve already mentioned, wedding day is full of the raw emotions. A pro can handle a nervous bride and a friend who had a few too many before the wedding ceremony even started. It’s important to hire someone who’ll be able to deal all those stressful situations, while getting a big group of people rounded up for photos – cooperatively and cheerfully. If something goes wrong (and let’s face it, it will), a professional wedding photographer will know how to get people calmed down. It takes years of experience to know exactly what to say on a day when everyone’s emotions are sky high.
Professional photographers always carry back up gear with them, while amateurs might forget about it. In other words, even if you friend is really talented in taking photos, something can go wrong with a camera, for example battery can run out or a memory card might corrupt. A pro will always have a spare one, just in case!
I’ve been also talking to many wedding planners and I’ve heard numerous terrible stories about wedding photography. It’s not like a professional photographer cannot be wrong, but with non-professionals you simply risk too much and you’ll almost certainly end up disappointed. Although you may save money by choosing a friend with a good camera taking care of your wedding photos, no wedding planner would approve your choice.
However, it’s important to say that a professional photographer without wedding photography experience can also be a very bad choice. Although these people may capture the images right, they know how to use a camera and their portraits might be astonishing, if they don’t have experience in photographing weddings, they won’t know the general running of such an event. Personally, I don’t think they should get a job at my wedding!
Finally, the most important advantage of hiring a professional wedding photographer is professionalism. And, yes, it does come at a price. I’m aware of the fact that the wedding costs are on the rise and tying a knot has become incredibly expensive. That’s why many people need to reduce costs by keeping away from professional services. However, I’m sure you can cut on some other things and leave your wedding photo album to a pro.
Bottom line, the photographs I used in this article are the work of VSfoto Creative Wedding Photography Studio. Aren’t they amazing? So, honestly, do you think an amateur could take so perfect photos? I don’t think so and I’m sure you share my opinion. Even if you choose the most beautiful destination for your wedding, you won’t get high-quality photos similar to these images taken in tropic island Tobago.