Why Be a Vendor in a Bridal Show?

Posted by on Feb 11, 2014 in Misc Wedding Articles |

bridal showsIf you are in a wedding-related business, like catering, decoration, gowns, jewelry or photography and videography, you might think always how to get maximum success in your business by reaching more and more people. While your good work speaks for itself and your happy clients make a lot of advertising for you, there is another excellent way to reach more people and it is the bridal shows. According to research, 40% of the brides-to-be in the US attend bridal shows and that makes 900,000 of them – such a huge figure which can help you in expanding your business. And there are excellent portals like Show Bride which make you aware of various bridal shows you can participate in. What are the benefits of participating in bridal shows and how can you maximize them?

Direct Contact with Brides

Instead of the long process of someone telling about your good service to brides and then brides considering you along with many other names, your participation in a bridal show brings you in direct contact with brides. Especially if a bride is in a hurry to plan her wedding in just one day, coming in contact with her through a local bridal show is extremely useful for both of you. Brides who have not planned their wedding well until the last moment are eager to book vendors and in such situations, if you are readily available, there are high chances of getting good business.

Strong Referral Network

You may often overlook a local bridal show; but remember that it is an important opportunity to build a strong referral network. It is the largest meeting place for wedding vendors. While you are eager to meet brides in order to getting more and more business, meeting and establishing good relations with other vendors is also helpful because they can promote your business and strongly refer your name to their clients. The best part of this is you don’t have to pay anything extra!

Following tips are useful for maximizing your networking opportunities at bridal shows:

  • Get in touch with other vendors and be friends with them during breaks or lunch.
  • Be cooperative so as to create a good impression about you.
  • Consider booking a booth next to vendors you regularly work with.

Follow-up – An Important Rule to Follow

An important rule to follow for any exhibition you attend is follow-up. Most bridal shows provide a list of the attendee brides. You should follow it up by calling, emailing or sending a postcard. While every mode has its own pros and cons, you should do everything which works best for you to get in touch with the brides in the list. You can also talk with other participating vendors and check what worked well for them. Even the organizers of the show can provide you some nice ideas.

Making the Show Successful

While it is important to promote your own business through the bridal show, it is also important to promote the show so that it attracts more and more clients. Therefore, you should not only promote your business, but also the show which will double the response and in turn you will be benefited. Request brides to stop by your booth and highlight the attractions of the show, like special prizes, discounts, coupons, etc. Encourage them to register for such specials.