You have hired a professional photographer to shoot your big day and you are tremendously happy with your decision, because you have thoroughly examined her/him and are now sure that s/he is the best photographer you could have got. However, even experienced professionals forget things. Here are some such things that are important for your awesome wedding photos but your wedding photographer may forget to tell you. So, better you remember them.
1. Schedule Preparation Early
If your photographer doesn’t tell you, make it a point to schedule your hair and makeup much early. Even if you plan to finish it in an hour and hence, allot it a time just before heading towards your venue, many small interruptions may prolong your getting ready session and you will be late for the ceremony. Of course, you will also have another adverse effect of this which you will never desire – your face will look brimming with stress in the photos!
2. Introduce Your Family Member to Your Photographer
Not face-to-face! But you should give a list of your relatives that you want in your wedding photos. If the photos should be with you, you can always hold your aunt’s arm and tell the photographer to capture a photo; but if you want some candid photos of your relatives, how on earth the photographer would know them?
3. Pay Attention to Details but in Addition to Backdrop
Most photographers will tell you to give attention to details, but they may forget to tell you that a stunning backdrop can change the look of a photo more than the details. Of course, paying attention to details definitely rewards you; but if you are short of time (and energy), you can take half the efforts for the backdrop and can have great photos. If you have time for both, go for both!
4. Have Perfect Light with Café Lights
It’s not an atomic secret that light is very important in photography. If you want your photos to be great, there should be great light at your reception; but alas, you don’t have a great budget. Don’t worry! Café lights are just made for this purpose. They are economical and create just the perfect light; what’s more, they create superb ceremonious atmosphere too. So, if your photographer forgets to tell you this trick, you remember it!
Help your photographer in making your wedding photos look awesome with such simple, yet effective tricks, and you will have the wedding photo album just as you want.