Asian Bridal Makeup – A Definite Way to Look Stunning

Posted by on Dec 25, 2013 in Wedding tips |

asian bridal makeupAs if the word “wedding” is not enough to reveal the excitement contained in the event, an “Asian wedding” is twice as exciting, busy and eventful, and the bride needs twice outfits and makeup! Asian brides are beautiful; still they want to wear a lot of makeup, jewelry and other items that enhance the flashiness of makeup. Moreover, the wedding is not limited to only the actual nuptial, but there are a variety of ceremonies, like Mehendi and Dholak, for which the bride needs to wear an elaborate makeup. Asian bridal makeup training is something special and it is really an interesting art.

Asian bridal makeup is characterized by a correct sequence and method to follow, and also a preparatory phase to make sure that you will look your best. Selection of best products, styles and colors is also essential. Your routine makeup kit which you use while going for work will not suffice for your big day. And so, you will need a professional to make you ready for your big day with a stunning makeup.


First of all, you should remember that your makeup will look the best on your big day if you keep your skin the best. And for this you have to undergo a series of facials, before your wedding day – starting probably a few months before. Facial skin is more prone to wear and tear, and it takes a lot of time to heal unless you undergo facial from time to time, especially if you don’t have it regularly. Pamper your facial skin for 1 to 4 months before wedding, to bring it into a proper shape.

Remember to moisturize the skin on the very morning of the wedding, at least ten minutes before starting the makeup. Expert makeup artists recommend to do hair after makeup. Next is to apply foundation and here you should remember to apply light reflective foundation.

Many brides apply layers of foundation under their eyes mistaking it as a concealer. Actually aim of foundation is to “put light” over dark areas. So, avoid it. You may not realize it in front of the mirror but in your wedding photos, the layers will seem like puffy eye bags.


Woman eyeMatt is the apt shade for Asian bridal makeup with slightly gleaming shadows. Usually a combination of colors works the best for Asian bridal wear. Use a soft black eyeliner and black mascara; even if you are very fair, don’t use brown shades. It is ideal to use waterproof mascara for an Asian bride and curling the lashes before applying it. Fake eyelashes too work extremely well for some brides.


For lips, a color that won’t clash with bride’s eyes and dress is the best. Always leave the lips to be done last, and while applying your foundation, put a suitable moisturizer or balm on them so that by the time your other makeup is done, your lips are perfectly ready for the lipstick and lip gloss.

And most importantly, make sure that you start to get ready before at least three hours as Asian bridal makeup is much elaborate. The more you take time for the makeup, the more the beautician can show her magic on your face to make you look absolutely stunning.