Wedding Cake Toppers

Posted by on Dec 7, 2011 in Managing Wedding, Wedding tips |

The wedding cake is traditional sweet cake served at the wedding reception after the marriage ceremony is finished. Nowadays, the wedding cake is very large multi-layered cake decorated with marzipan or fondant layer and icing. The small model representing the bride and the groom in formal wedding attire sitting on the top of the wedding cake is called a wedding cake topper.

At first, the wedding cake toppers were popular in the U.S. back in the 1950s as the symbol of togetherness. Nowadays, these lovely figurines are commonly the part of the loving couple’s decorative theme or their wedding reception style. This beautiful, humorous and unique decoration is often the only part of the wedding cake that can be kept to remind the couple of their very important day. Usually, couples keep their wedding cake topper and put it on the cake when they celebrate their anniversaries.

Traditional and classical wedding cake toppers often depict the couple in very formal attire. The bride is usually in a white wedding dress with her veil on, while the groom is in the black morning dress. There are also monogrammed cake toppers with the couple’s initials that are very elegant and sophisticated, even made with Swarovski crystals, for formal wedding receptions.

For less formal wedding receptions and less conventional couples, in recent years there is possibility to choose or even to customize their own unique and comic wedding cake topper. They can depict the bride dragging her groom to the altar or they can represent their hobbies, ethnicity or sense of humor.

Even though the wedding topper is a small piece of the very important day, it is certain that the details make big differences. No matter which type of the wedding cake topper the couple chooses, this will forever be their wedding memento to remind them of the most romantic day in their lives.